Ben Young is a young husband and father of two daughters. His TEDTalk about the stigmatisation and marginalisation of the Stay-at-home mom made an impact on me as a Gen Xer. He showed how the number of women who opted to stay at home to take care of their children instead of going to work full-time, decreased steadily in the USA until 1999. That was the year I had my first baby and I kept working full-time while very confused as to how I had to pause being a mum while I worked a paid job. From 1999 onwards, the number started increasing again. Maybe those mothers, like me, were confused and not too happy with the option to continue working a paid job full-time while having to deal with the also full-time job of being a mother. Young highlights the three hyphened words that precede the condition of being a mother in the term SAHM. You can watch the video at What I like the most about Young's talk is his explanation as to how the ...
Random insights of a woman living in a small community. Anonymity serves to tell-all while morphing under life pressures. Her name is Nora and she writes what many are thinking but no one articulates.